15 reasons why you should Date an Engineer

Thinking about dating a professional? Listed here are 15 main reasons why you really need to:

1. Your mother and father will agree.

2. You are going to have a pen when you need it. Just appear behind his/her ear canal.

3. Can’t perform the mathematics? The day would love to solve those issues for you.

4. If you purchase a house together, it would be structurally seem.

5. Conflict resolution is approached in a calm, rational way.

6. No pretentious dinner possibilities. Merely keep consitently the fridge stocked with beer.

7. The clocks on your kitchen stove and DVD user would be ready and synched.

8. Engineers are often right up for difficult.

9. Worry and strain in an union is manageable. Engineers don’t hightail it from a challenge.

10. No idle ways to internet dating here. Designers will be ready to « do it correct the very first time. »

11. You are able to joke about rubbing and gravitational destination.

12. Have pc issues? Your big date can kill « bugs » individually.

13. Dozens of damaged products in your house can get fixed — and maybe enhanced.

14. Must chat late at night? Engineers can handle all-nighters.

15. Engineers are widely used to using bands. Merely sayin’.
